Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Assignment #1

I found a fallacy in an article talking about how many of the politicians are attacking Mitt Romney. The article was on abcnews.com. "Here we see the frontrunner who is out there with one of the most liberal records in the field, certainly the most liberal record in the field, go out and try to tear down other folks instead of talking about what he wants to do for this country" Through this quote by Rick Santorum we see that he realizes that Romney is beating him in the caucuses so he is using the strawman fallacy. This fallacy consists of people not arguing against the other person, but they just start attacking the person with whatever they can think of.

I read the other speech from Henry V and found examples for ethos, logos, and pathos.

The examples of pathos were "If your pure maidens fall into the hands of hot and forcing violation?" and the second was "Your naked infants spitted upon pikes". These both are pathos because they relate to the emotion of the audience.

The examples of ethos were "A name that in my thoughts that becomes me best" and "If I begin a life of battery once again, I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur". These both make the audience trust the audience because in the first he puts himself on the same level as the others meaning that he sees them as equals and you trust your equals. The second appeals to the audience because they see that he will not leave the battlefield unless he is dead, which develops trust because they know that he would not leave them alone.

The examples of logos were "Your fathers taken by the silver beards and their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls" and "The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters". Both of these are logos because they appeal to our ability to think. So these quotes make the audience think about these things because this is what will happen if they don't fight to protect their families and city.


  1. Aside from the strawman fallacy, Santorum here is committing the fallacy of ad hominem, because he himself is attacking Romney instead of focusing on the issues.

    Your examples of ethos/pathos/logos were well-selected, but I think the analysis on logos was interesting because at first glance, I would have selected these as examples of pathos. Henry, though, is also using logic here because he is presenting these as options: the town, if they surrender, will avoid these horrible consequences. Thus, it would be logical for them to surrender.


  2. Also--you might want to put your name on your blog somewhere (the "about me" section would be the most helpful) so I can assign points to the right person.


  3. Your pathos examples are very good. I didn't read the speech, but those examples definitely appealed to my emotions anyway. (Henry V sure knew how to paint a vivid picture). This helps me realize how effective pathos can be in an argument. If these examples affected me, imagine how much more they would affect an audience that they were actually directed to. That's part of what makes them so strong, that he sites examples of universally bad things.
    Good job!

  4. I liked your examples of pathos. I think they were the same two examples that I used for my blog. They really did appeal to emotion.

  5. I liked the way you analyzed your fallacy. Definitely was way more in depth than mine was. I also especially liked your examples of Ethos, because yours go along well with the way my mindset works. They do a good job of appealing to emotion. I also liked your reasoning for the examples you used for Logos.

  6. I liked your examples of ethos. You can definitely tell that he is trying to build trust with his audience by mentioning that he "will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur".

  7. I really agree with your examples of pathos. They most definitely appeal to emotion. The only thing I would say about it though is to maybe explain a little more why they do. I know its obvious that people don't want their family harmed, but making a connection there would make your ideas stronger. Great job on all your choices for e/p/l's. I especially like your appeals to ethos. Well done!
