Tuesday, February 28, 2012


1. Rap music leads to violence 2. Video games lead to violence 3. R-Rated movies lead to violence 4. Effects of Marijuana 5. Cyberbullying 6. FaceBook 7. Wikipedia 8. YouTube 9. Twitter 10. Texting while driving 11. Effects of watching too much TV 12. Guantanamo Bay Soccer Field 13. War on Terror 14. Presidential Election of 2012 15. Honor Code 16. Global Warming 17. Renewable energies 18. BCS in College Football 19. Obamacare 20. Separation of Church and State

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peer Review/Fav. Movies

Three changes
1. I'm going to make sure to fix my tone so that it isn't too harsh on the article's author.
2. I'm going to paraphrase one quote instead of having a huge quote.
3. I'm going to continue to add more analysis.

Fav. Movies
First off I like way to many movies to have a favorite, but I'll list some of my top 10.
Hot Rod, Dumb and Dumber, All the extended Lord of the Rings, Bourne Movies, both Sherlock Holmes, and Saving Private Ryan.

Love Letter

Dear Maria,
I just wanna say how purty I think you is. Evry time you smile it make me happy all over. I know that I been mean, but I really do luve you. When you sing with the little ones, it remunds me of good times. And I wanna tel you that I don't want you not to leve, becuz if you did I would cry for twelve dayes. Plese don't leve I luve you to darn much. I do anything for you to stay wif me.
Wif all the love of my heart,
Captain von Trapp

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog Post #5

Her perfume reminded of the creepy homeless guy by my house, he must have also worn that perfume.

Her skin was golden and glowing, kind of like pee when you don't drink enough water.

My love for her is like buying a new car, by the time you realize if you like it or not it's too late to take it back.

Her smile was so beautiful it was like my smile.

Her love for children was so incredible, she almost loved them as much as Michael Jackson.

Hopefully no is offended by these, cause they could a racy but I like them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog Post #4

Judge Letter
Dear Judge,
I know that I have received 4 tickets in one month, but I feel like I have learned my lesson. Now I know that you think I should have already learned my lesson, but I was immature. I didn't think about how my actions would affect others, but I realize that when I speed I put people including myself in danger. If you will give me one more chance I will not make you see me again. Please consider this as my sincere apology for the danger and tragedy that I could have caused. Thank you for your time.
Cameron Jarrell

Mother Letter
Dearest Mother,
First off don't freak out. I obviously don't like to follow the rules of the road, but I have learned my lesson. You taught me that I need to drive safe because it keeps me safe. If I get to keep my license then I will always drive as if you are in the car; however, if I do lose my license then one good thing will come out of that. You will get to drive me everywhere so that means that I won't be able to break curfew. Also, if you have to drive me everywhere then we can have deep talks about life, and you can teach me from your infinite wisdom. So there is a good thing that will come out either way. You're the best.
Love you,

Classmates Letter
Dear Class,
You know how slow the speed limit is and we have places to be. So I think that not only should I get my license, but they need to change some of the speed limits. I mean it's not like I'm killing anyone, because obviously if I've gotten four tickets and haven't gotten into an accident then I'm not driving crazy just fast. So I mean it is very obvious yes I'm speeding, but there has been no harm to anyone or anything but my wallet. Everyone speeds and if you say that you don't you are a liar. Speeding isn't a big deal unless it leads to accidents, and I haven't been in one so why should I get my license taken away.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog Post #3

Ok so I'm choosing to use the "Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future" excerpt. The author wants us as students to use more technology to help us develop our resumes, help us be more prepared for the future,etc. He also bashes on colleges and how slow they are to change to appeal to our logos. I think that the author used a lot of examples of pathos by having a section called "School Impedes Education". This definitely appealed to my emotions because if I could get just as good of job as a college graduate then what is the point of being here. Obviously, that isn't what he means though. I kind of reacted; however, I almost thought it was like the crazy old guy telling you that smoking and drinking aren't bad for you. He had reasons that were well written, but the outcomes that he said came from them may have been a bit of a jump. So for me I really walked away confused and creeped out by the guy.