Thursday, March 1, 2012

2-3 Well Developed Paragraphs

I'm going to write about how American Taxpayers are funding the building of a soccer field for the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay that is going to cost 750K. I think that this is absolutely outrageous because the people in this prison have committed or attempted to commit acts of terror on our country. These people deserve to be treated like humans and not receive any cruel punishments, but we as American citizens shouldn't be paying for this field. Because through some research I have found out that they already had facilities similar to the soccer field where they could do recreational activities. I wonder why American citizens should be the ones to pay for this, and also why the prisoners even needed a new field because they already have two fields.
This is very intriguing to me because this is something that American citizens shouldn't have to pay for. I also think that this is a kairotic issue because of the upcoming election. It is also interesting because these people deserve to be treated in a fair and humane manner, but a soccer field that costs 750K is ridiculous.


  1. This should be an interesting topic. I can't see anybody thinking this soccer field as not ridiculous, but I suppose there are those people out there somewhere. Very true about it being a kairotic issue with the election.

  2. Great Topic! I think our government is so stupid some times! Why are we paying so much money to people who already wasted so much of our money, effort, and lives. RIDICULOUS!

  3. I definitely agree that this would be a great issue to write your paper on. I think you could get plenty of research on the matter at hand. Good job

  4. This might be a good avenue to talk about the debate of "luxury" prisons, or how much the government spends on prison amenities. There should be a lot of research available about that issue. But as you research, make sure to keep focused on your specific topic as a way to approach the larger issue. Sound good!
